One night long ago, when I was living in White Plains and my first daughter was a little girl, I was dandling her on my knee, entertaining her by downloading a full-color satellite weather map, an image from just moments before. I flashed back to one night when I was a little boy in Arkansas and my father woke me up in the middle of the night and we crept outside.  There were all our neighbors in their pajamas, craning their necks to look up into the dark sky.  We watched the sky and there it was, a tiny light creeping across the sky: one of the first satellites.  --My daughter giggled at the colors filling the screen, pulling me back to the present.  And it was then I considered the internet would fundamentally change our perspective. I grew up in a world where we looked up at satellites and my daughter was growing up looking down from satellites.

Make the internet work for you,
not the other way around.

It's touched nearly every part of life.

Today, people are finding everything from their true love to their next job on the internet.  It's a source of amusement, enlightenment, productivity, wasted time and, all too often, a source of frustration for people who believe there's something on the internet they need, but don't know where to find it, how to get it and how not to waste a huge amount of time in the process.  And that's where I come in.

My name is Brian D. Johnson and I'm an internet guide, the founder and principal of internet guide services.  I've done the hard work so you don't have to.  I can help you and the internet get along better together.

  • There are 400 emails in my inbox.  I'm overwhelmed.

  • It's too time consuming for me to stay up-to-date.

  • I need to build a professional portfolio online.

  • Can I use Facebook and LinkedIn to get my next job?

  • Is there any easy way for me to easily and securely collaborate with people inside and outside my company?